The Dresner team did an outstanding job on this transaction and was committed from the outset to helping us select a partner that truly understands and appreciates Jameson's unique business model and value proposition.

Barry MacLean

CEO, MacLean Investment Partners

Dresner Partners

Dresner International

Dresner International maintains well established international connections in over 30 countries, including relationships with global legal and accounting networks, and multinational private equity groups. Dresner is a Partner firm in the International Network of M&A Partners ("IMAP"), a Global M&A Advisory Network. Thomson Financial's most recent annual league tables report IMAP advisers as having completed 179 transactions, with an aggregate transaction value of more than $6 billion.

Dresner International is backed by Dresner Partners and Dresner Corporate Services in its Chicago USA headquarters. Dresner maintains global skill sets in several industries, including Aerospace and Defense, Agriculture and Construction Equipment, Automotive, Energy, Industrial Services, Printing and Packaging, Manufacturing and Metals, Specialty Chemicals, Transportation Equipment. Dresner is a registered broker-dealer and FINRA member firm providing services to middle market closely held and public companies worldwide. Dresner offers services in Mergers and Acquisitions, Business and Intellectual Property Valuations, Litigation Support, Restructuring and Financing, Investor Relations, and Public Relations.

Dresner International Managing Directors have advised on corporate assignments in 15 countries, including China and India. Dresner focuses on middle-market closely held and small-cap public companies typically with revenues between $25 million and $5 billion, with a minimum EBIT of $2.5 million. Typical transactions are in the range of $10 million to $500 million.

For international inquiries, please contact:

Steven Dresner
Direct: 001 312.780.7206
Fax: 001 312.726.7448